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islamic stories from the quran in english


islamic stories from the quran in english

Certainly! Here are summaries of a few well-known Islamic stories from the Quran:

The Story of Adam (AS) and Hawwa (Eve) (AS):

Allah created Adam (AS) from clay and breathed His spirit into him. Adam (AS) and Hawwa (Eve) lived in paradise but were later tested by Allah. They were forbidden to eat from a specific tree, but Satan deceived them. They repented, and Allah forgave them, teaching humanity about repentance and forgiveness.
The Story of Prophet Noah (Nuh) (AS):
Prophet Noah (AS) was tasked with delivering Allah's message to his people, who had turned to idol worship. Despite facing immense challenges and ridicule, Prophet Noah (AS) tirelessly preached for 950 years. Allah instructed him to build an ark, and during the great flood, only those who believed were saved.
The Story of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) (AS):
Prophet Abraham (AS) faced numerous trials, including being thrown into a blazing fire for refusing to worship idols. Allah saved him, and Prophet Abraham (AS) and his son, Prophet Isma'il (AS), were commanded to rebuild the Kaaba. Their unwavering faith serves as an example for believers.
The Story of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) (AS):
Prophet Joseph (AS) was blessed with beauty and wisdom, causing jealousy among his brothers. They plotted to get rid of him, and he was thrown into a well. Later, he was falsely accused and imprisoned. Eventually, he became a trusted advisor to the ruler, and his family was reunited, showcasing Allah's plan and justice.
The Story of Prophet Moses (Musa) (AS):
Prophet Moses (AS) was chosen by Allah to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. He faced the tyrant Pharaoh, and with Allah's help, performed miracles like parting the Red Sea. The story emphasizes the importance of courage, faith, and the consequences of tyranny.
The Story of Prophet Jesus (Isa) (AS):
Prophet Jesus (AS) was born to Mary (Maryam) (AS) as a miraculous birth. Allah endowed him with the ability to perform miracles, including healing the sick and bringing the dead back to life. He was not crucified but was raised by Allah. His story emphasizes the power of Allah's miracles.
These stories from the Quran offer profound lessons of faith, resilience, repentance, and trust in Allah. They serve as a source of guidance and inspiration for Muslims around the world.

Hazrat Fatima age at death

Hazrat Fatima (RA), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), passed away at the age of 18 or 28, depending on different historical accounts. The exact age is a subject of some historical debate, and there are variations in the reported ages across different Islamic traditions and sources. Some historical records suggest she was 18, while others indicate she was 28 years old at the time of her death.

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